H1 - Simple css framework



Link without class <a href="#">Link without class</a>

Link without underline <a href="#" class="without-underline">Link without class</a>

Button link <a href="#" class="btn">Link with class</a>

<button>Button tag</button>


Need research


They adjust their sizes accord the parent, like:

<small><button>Button tag</button><small>

<h6><button>Button tag</button><h6>


Classes like btn-primary affect all type of buttons.

btn-primary <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">btn-primary</a>

btn-success btn-info btn-warning btn-danger

The class btn-outline change the style of the button.

btn-outline <a href="#" class="btn btn-outline">btn-outline</a>

The class btn-rounded change the border-style of the button.

btn-rounded <a href="#" class="btn btn-rounded">btn-rounded</a>

Mix to have different buttons

Hello! <a href="#" class="btn btn-outline btn-rounded btn-warning">Hello!</a>


Text inputs

<input type="text">



	<option disabled="" selected="">Choose one</option>

Option Inputs

Tip: Use the checkbox/radio and the label inside a label tag.

<input type="checkbox">

<input type="radio">


H1 Heading inside article tag

H2 Heading

H3 Heading

H4 Heading

H5 Heading
H6 Heading


Ordered list

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

Unordered list

Unstyled list

<ul class="unstyled">

Tooltips (from PrimerCSS)

Tooltip North

class="tooltipped tooltipped-n" aria-label="This is the tooltip."

Tooltip North East

class="tooltipped tooltipped-ne" aria-label="This is the tooltip."

Tooltip East

class="tooltipped tooltipped-e" aria-label="This is the tooltip."

Tooltip South East

class="tooltipped tooltipped-se" aria-label="This is the tooltip."

Tooltip South

class="tooltipped tooltipped-s" aria-label="This is the tooltip."

Tooltip South West

class="tooltipped tooltipped-sw" aria-label="This is the tooltip."

Tooltip West

class="tooltipped tooltipped-w" aria-label="This is the tooltip."

Tooltip North West

class="tooltipped tooltipped-nw" aria-label="This is the tooltip."


Right & Left

Float to the element. .left & .right


Adjust de container size with elements with floats inside.

Use the class .clearfix if you have this little issue.

No wrap

Don't let the line break, useful using in links with icon, when the icon gets in first line or the opposite

.no-wrap get the text in line.

Text align

.text-left, .text-center and .text-right will align the text.

Margin & Padding

.margin & .padding add margin or padding to all sides.

.margin-top, .margin-right, .margin-bottom, .margin-left
.padding-top, .padding-right, .padding-bottom, .padding-left

add margin or padding to selected side.

.margin-h, .margin-v & .padding-h, .padding-v add margin vertically or horizontally.